
GEAR seeks two experts to identify energy efficiency and distributed renewable energy grid integration projects

13 June 2023 – The “Grid Efficiency and Resilience” (GEAR) is an international initiative focused on electricity grid maintenance and efficiency improvements in emerging markets. The aim of GEAR is to maximise the amount of electricity delivered to end-users accelerating socio-economic development without increasing emissions. Additionally, the experts, in close collaboration with ARE, will identify […]

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Solar energy quality infrastructure for East & West Africa and Pacific islands

8 May 2023 – Quality infrastructure has become a critical success factor for the uptake of solar energy technology markets in many developing countries, particularly in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS). Solar product and service quality standards build trust among consumers, suppliers and financiers regarding the performance, durability and safety […]

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Working together with funding institutions to develop energy efficiency projects: Takeaways from EAIF

17 April 2023 – The International Copper Association (ICA) was pleased to join for the first time at the ARE Energy Access Investment Forum in Abidjan on 21-23 March 2023. ICA’s Executive Director, Steve Kukoda, participated in two panel discussions to promote ICA’s work on sustainable energy in Africa: Cornerstone of Rural Electrification (CORE), Grid […]

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Call for expert to train lecturers at the Kigali Independent University on solar home systems

13 December 2022 – CORE is an international initiative with the mission is to enable resilient rural and peri-urban communities by ensuring safety, efficiency and reliability become the cornerstone of decentralised electrification. In line with the initiative’s ambition to support African universities with training of trainers (ToT), CORE is seeking an expert to deliver training […]

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Call for experts to train graduate students in Lesotho, Uganda & Nigeria

13 December 2022 – The Cornerstone of Rural Electrification (CORE) initiative and the Transforming Energy Access Learning Partnership (TEA-LP) are partnering to support graduate-level university trainings on energy access across Sub-Saharan Africa. CORE is an international initiative initiated by the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), […]

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Training of trainers at the National University of Lesotho on energy access

2-8 March 2022 – The workshop provided an opportunity to capacity-build the National University of Lesotho team with inputs from industry experts, who are directly involved in the work of rural and last-mile electrification projects in Africa.

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Key Energy Access Partners Launch CORE at COP26 to Address Skills Gap in the Sector

5 November 2021 – ARE, ICA, IRENA, SEforALL, UNEP and UNIDO have launched the Cornerstone of Rural Electrification Initiative (CORE) to address the immense capacity building and technical assistance needs to support the development of DRE systems as a means to achieve the SDGs.

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