Call for expert to deliver training on mini-grid system design in South Asia


23 September 2024 – With the joint objective to advance sustainable national electrification in South Asia, CORE has partnered with the Tribhuvan University of Nepal and the Independent University of Bangladesh to conduct training to university graduates and faculty members on solar hybrid mini-grid system design, with an emphasis on renewable energy optimisation, feasibility assessment […]

ARE boosts its impact in Africa and Asia with new regional programme experts

9 September 2024 – The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) is pleased to announce the addition of four regional programme experts to support the scale-up of the CORE and GEAR initiatives in Africa and Asia to turbocharge renewable electrification and energy efficiency. Catherine Mukobo joins for Central & West Africa, Eugenia Masvikeni for East & Southern Africa, Shaukat Ali […]

Call for expert to deliver training of trainers on mini-grids

5 July 2024 – TEA-LP is planning a 6-day Mini-Grids Training Workshop from 4-11 September 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda, to ensure that lecturers are updated with the latest knowledge, skills and mini-grid software to deliver the mini-grids course. It is envisaged that 34 lecturers from 17 different TEA-LP universities will take part in the training. […]

Call for solar thermal expert to deliver training in Cape Verde

6 May 2024 – STAR C, CORE and ECREEE are partnering to support training on regional solar energy qualification frameworks and curricula for professionals in the field of solar thermal energy from the ECOWAS region. The first virtual training, “Harmonisation and development of solar thermal curricula and training frameworks for ECOWAS region”, took place on […]

Call for expert to deliver mini-grid system design, installation and O&M training for youth STEM leaders in Sierra Leone


11 March 2024 – The STEM Training Programme, initiated in 2023 as part of the FCDO-funded hospital electrification project in Sierra Leone, saw the recruitment of 12 trainees over six months. Participants gained hands-on experience through activity-based technical and soft skills training on off-grid electrification. Building on the success of this pilot, SEforALL extended similar […]

Call for Regional Programme Expert in West & Central Africa

ARE is seeking an individual expert to support the implementation of CORE & GEAR activities, while contributing to raise funding for growth of both initiatives in the West & Central Africa region. The Regional Expert is expected to deliver the following tasks in 2024: Deadline for submissions of proposals: 9 February 2024

Call for Regional Programme Expert in East & Southern Africa

ARE is seeking an individual expert to support the implementation of CORE & GEAR activities, while contributing to raise funding for growth of both initiatives in the East & Southern Africa region. The Regional Expert is expected to deliver the following tasks in 2024: Deadline for submissions of proposals: 9 February 2024

Call for Regional Programme Expert in South Asia

ARE is seeking an individual expert to support the implementation of CORE & GEAR activities, while contributing to raise funding for growth of both initiatives in the South Asia region. The Regional Expert is expected to deliver the following tasks in 2024: Deadline for submissions of proposals: 9 February 2024

Call for Regional Programme Expert in South-East Asia


ARE is seeking an individual expert to support the implementation of CORE & GEAR activities, while contributing to raise funding for growth of both initiatives in the South-East Asia region. The Regional Expert is expected to deliver the following tasks in 2024: Deadline for submissions of proposals: 9 February 2024

Call for expert to deliver training of trainers on mini-grid technical system design, procurement & installation in Ghana

TEA-LP is a partnership of universities committed to delivering local professionals to drive the transition to sustainable energy access for all. TEA-LP has supported eight universities across Africa to develop new postgraduate curricula, that vary, in discipline and content, across universities, aiming to respond to the market needs of this rapidly growing sector in their […]