Supporting RES4Africa’s Microgrid Academies & Advances Training Courses

CORE supports the delivery of RES4Africa Foundation’s Microgrid Academy and Advanced Training Courses (ATC) through the provision of on-demand industry experts to teach on technical aspects of rural electrification (e.g. site selection, O&M, system design) underpinning the development of a skilled African workforce in the DRE sector.
2023 CORE Training:
- 70 students benefitted from the “DRE Site Selection & Engineering” module at the 30th Microgrid Academy held on 23-27 October 2023 in Kenya
2022 CORE Trainings:
- 150 student benefited from the “DRE System Design, O&M and Safety” module at the 25th Microgrid Academy held on 29 November – 7 December 2022
- 66 students benefited from the “Microgrid pre-feasibility and feasibility studies” module at the “Mini-grid Training for Energy Professionals in the G5 Sahel countries” held on 26-30 September 2022
- 127 students benefited from the “DRE Site Selection and Engineering” module at the 24th Microgrid Academy held on 11-19 May 2022
- 210 students benefited from the “Socio-economic benefits of the energy transition” module at the Advanced Training Course held on 23 February 2022
2021 CORE Trainings:
- 127 students benefited from the “Value chains of DRE systems” module at the 19th Microgrid Academy held on 20-24 September 2021
- 118 students benefited from the “DRE against COVID-19: Operation & Maintenance” module at the 18th Microgrid Academy held on 21-25 June 2021
- 138 students benefited from the “DRE Site Selection and Engineering” module at the 17th Microgrid Academy held on 24 April – 5 May 2021
- 60 students benefited from the “Business Models and Technologies for Renewable Decentralised Systems for Productive Uses” module at the 16th Microgrid Academy held on 23-25 March 2021