Call for expert to deliver training of trainers on mini-grids

5 July 2024 – TEA-LP is planning a 6-day Mini-Grids Training Workshop from 4-11 September 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda, to ensure that lecturers are updated with the latest knowledge, skills and mini-grid software to deliver the mini-grids course. It is envisaged that 34 lecturers from 17 different TEA-LP universities will take part in the training.

Subsequent to the workshop, each lecturer is estimated to train at least 10 masters’ students annually.

The workshop has the following aims:

  • to enable the lecturers to finalise their mini-grids course curriculum;
  • to give lecturers proficiency in the use of the mini-grid design software (HomerPro and/or Xendee);
  • to enable lecturers to assess the socio-economic and technical aspects of a proposed mini-grids site;
  • to ensure that lecturers can design a simple mini-grid system given a set of specifications and constraints

The CORE trainer selected will be responsible for the delivery of the training (focusing on theoretical and technical aspects of mini-grid design, integrated with the use of the appropriate software) at the 6-day Mini-Grids Training Workshop.

Deadline: 19 July 2024